Recruiting Opportunities

Upcoming Events

Stay updated with our upcoming recruiting events by joining our mailing list.

Developing brand recognition is an essential factor in attracting new talent, and we highly encourage you to establish it by regularly visiting our campus and engaging with our students. We provide a wide range of recruiting options, and our dedicated Career Services Team is ready to support you in creating a strong presence at UTPB. If you don’t find the specific opportunities you’re seeking below, please inform us, and we will assist you in connecting with our students in a manner that aligns with your organization’s needs. We look forward to collaborating with you.

Tabling Events

We are eager to help you fulfill your talent needs for internships, part-time, and full-time positions. Host an on-campus recruiting table event, for a $25 fee, held in the lobby of the Mesa Building or Engineering Building. Please share your logo and make a reservation at least two weeks prior to the event. A member of our team will contact you shortly with confirmation and payment details.

Employer Info Session

Employers are invited to present information about their organization, job opportunities, and recruitment processes to students for a $25 fee. These sessions provide a platform for employers to interact directly with potential candidates, showcase their company culture, and answer questions about their industry or specific roles within the organization. Complete the form at least two weeks prior to the event and a team member will contact you with confirmation details.

Student Organizations

We can help you identify the student organization that aligns with the employer’s values, interests, or target audience. Consider supporting a club meeting by becoming a sponsor, where you can engage with students, establish connections, and provide them with branded merchandise as giveaways. Contact us at 432-552-2890 or email us at